Solar Power
Solar Power Overview
Solar Power represents to Renewable Energy Solution most thought of and used by residential customers. Is the most popular, has the lowest marginal costs, and the links below present how and why.
​Note that the "Lifecycle" sections present a wealth of content related to your investment's justification, management, and maintenance.​
Please also note that this web site resource will evolve with more detail and information sharing tools.
Introduction - The Sun
In approximately 90 minutes, the Earth receives enough solar energy to match humanity's entire history of energy consumption.
Humanity consumes approximately 173, 400 Terawatts of power every year (where 1 terawatt = one million million watts).
While not all this energy reaches the earth's surface (some absorbed by the atmosphere) and solar panels don't cover the entire surface of the earth and are typically 15-20% efficient, this energy is:
(1) Free,
(2) Clean,
(3) Available almost everywhere the Sun shines, and
(4) Is likely to be available for five billion years.
​What's particularly fascinating is that this highlights the immense potential of solar energy - we're only capturing and using a tiny fraction of the available solar energy reaching Earth.
(TBD Include the calculations and tools, available to members)
This content may seem "geek-ish" but it may be important towards your development as an informed buyer.